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Getting started

  • Read the general concept below to be sure to have a clue

Usually test frameworks have the following architecture. All is based on the possibility to control browsers thanks to browser drivers.


The browser driver is usually in-built in the browser or can be installed as a plugin or as a standalone executable next to the browser. The browser driver is able to simulate user interaction with the browser and communicate back to the test what is happening.

The problem is that your browser is setup in a specific way which maybe is not the same as others people browsers. So a better solution is to offload the tests to some testing farm where browsers are started for each test and can have a fresh configuration, e.g., without your cookies, etc:

Webdriver farm

During this short tutorial, you are going to setup in a few clicks your local testing farm which has roughly following architecture: Webdriver farm details

All what is inside the Docker can later be moved to some server which is the best solution for running automated tests from automated pipelines when you are in a complex environment.

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